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Istanbul Political Research Institute (IstanPol) is an Istanbul-based think-tank which focuses its work on democratization, humanitarian and social development, and foreign policy. IstanPol offers data-driven insight on fundamental social-political problems in Turkey and shares policy recommendations to address these problems.

Through its research-based policy recommendations, IstanPol works to influence policymaking processes and local/national decision-makers. In this framework, IstanPol particularly aims to communicate its research findings and strategies to leading political actors and members of the business world. IstanPol’s reports are widely covered by national and international media. The institute hosts representatives of civil society and private sector, experts, journalists and representatives of political parties at its roundtable discussions. IstanPol thus aims to create an effective platform for dialogue between the civil society, business world and political parties.

IstanPol’s policy recommendations are drafted by experts with vast knowledge and first-hand experience in the field. In addition to its young and dynamic team, IstanPol also cooperates with an impressive network consisting of senior experts and researchers.

IstanPol ensures equal representation of men and women in its executive posts, including top positions, and is committed to upholding gender equality in its organizational structure. IstanPol also prioritizes the research projects that focus on the impact of gender dynamics in social, political and economic problems and inequalities.

IstanPol advocates and follows the United Nations’s Sustainable Development Goals.